Social mapping in the municipalities of Kochani and Strumica of adults and children with disabilities

From December 2021 to May 2022 in the municipalities of Koцani and Strumica, the Center for European Citizen Initiative conducted social mapping of adults and children with disabilities. This activity was carried out for  NALAS’s need and with the financial support of GIZ. 108 persons with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities were surveyed in Kocani and 105 in Strumica. An analysis of the relevant documentation, visual mapping of the accessibility of the infrastructure and facilities and two focus groups in each municipality were also done.

The draft reports from the social mapping were subject to public discussion in both municipalities with the presence of the mayors, members of the municipal councils, representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities as well as representatives of state and local institutions. Recommendations from the public discussion were included in the final reports. The social mapping reports for Kocani and Strumica can be found on this site in the publications section.