The Department for Human Rights, Roma Issues and Multiculture is responsible for this area, and the main objectives of the Sector.s activities are::
It will spread the idea of human rights and the mechanisms for their protection;
– It will implement activities for monitoring the violation of human rights and will build human resources for the realization of this idea;
– It will actively work to promote the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms and its Protocol number 11, as the highest standards in the protection of human rights;
– It will implement activities to improve the status of the Roma through projects for their integration into society, reducing the stereotypes that exist in the public about them, improving their socio-economic status;
– A special target group for work will be Roma children and women as the most endangered categories in our society;
– It will implement projects to reduce ethnocentrism among citizens and strengthen inter-ethnic trust;
– Work in the field of spreading multiculturalism as permanent benefits of Macedonian society.