At the founding session of the Assembly, held on April 17, 2002 in Kocani, the Program of the Center for European Citizen Initiative was adopted. The Center for European Citizen Initiative (hereinafter referred to as CECI) works in three program sectors under the direction of program coordinators, in accordance with the objectives and tasks prescribed in the Statute of CECI.
Departments in CECI are:
– Department for Europeanization, strategy and analysis
– Department for human rights, Roma issues and multiculturalism
– Department for women’s, cultural, children’s and social issues
Department for Europeanization, strategy and analysis
– It will carry out activities to promote the idea of European integration of the Republic of Macedonia through public campaigns, seminars for citizens and experts from the public and private sectors. In the context of this, the Organization will provide consulting on the contents of the recommendations, directives and regulations of the EU as well as on the documents and reports of the Council of Europe;
– It will carry out monitoring of the state administration bodies over their engagements in the process of European integration;
– It will build measures and strategies in various areas of social life for the purpose of their reformation and advancement, including more relevant factors from the government and civil sectors. Areas for building strategies will be public administration, education, health, social affairs, media, etc.;
– It will organize clubs and workshops for the affirmation of democratic values among different categories of citizens, such as women, children, pensioners, etc.;
– Performing public analyzes and public opinion research;
– Implementation of projects to improve the conditions of citizens in their local communities;
– Strengthening the civil sector and training members of non-governmental organizations for their more efficient operation;
Department for human rights, Roma issues and multiculturalism
– It will spread the idea of human rights and the mechanisms for their protection;
– It will implement activities for monitoring the violation of human rights and will build human resources for the realization of this idea;
– It will actively work to promote the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms and its Protocol number 11, as the highest standards in the protection of human rights;
– It will implement activities to improve the status of the Roma through projects for their integration into society, reducing the stereotypes that exist in the public about them, improving their socio-economic status;
– A special target group for work will be Roma children and women as the most endangered categories in our society;
– It will implement projects to reduce ethnocentrism among citizens and strengthen inter-ethnic trust;
– Work in the field of spreading multiculturalism as permanent benefits of Macedonian society.
Department for women’s, cultural, children’s and social issues
– It will improve the position of women in Macedonian society and their status in public, cultural, business and political life;
– Will implement projects on domestic violence;
– It will implement activities for taking care of women from various ethnic backgrounds;
– It will improve the status of children in society, their rights according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and their status in the family:
– Special activities will be implemented for the improvement and democratization of the educational system as well as the cultural and entertainment projects intended for children;
– It will carry out activities for the promotion of contemporary trends in art, film, literature and theater.